as the worst had already happened, Var Gallery 5th, Milwaukee, WI
Opening Reception: Saturday, December 7, 2024
This exhibition was borne of extensive autobiographical writing directly following the unexpected passing of my youngest brother, Avigdor Chai Avraham, z”l, in April 2021.
The work chronicles some of the experiences of that night when I coincidentally happened to be at my grandparents’ home, getting updates over the phone while trying to break the news to them and handle the aftermath. While revisiting my records of that experience with this type of grief has at times been contemplative, numb, or physically painful – as it had been in the moment; what was most surprising were the seemingly trivial details that I had documented and now share with you.
This work is dedicated to the memory of my brother and would not have been possible without the support of my family and friends. Special thanks to Random Neon LLC and West Coast Custom Designs LLC for their contributions.